7 Reasons to Sign Up for DBS Update

Don’t worry if you’re not quite sure what the DBS Update scheme is. You’re not alone. Although the system has been going for a few years now, most people aren’t aware of what Update is all about. If you are in the sort of occupation which requires a DBS check, then here are 7 compelling reasons why signing up for Update could be in your best interests.


Reason 1 – Price of DBS Update

DBS checks can be expensive. Sometimes your employer will meet the cost of running the checks, but they don’t have to. So if you’re swapping jobs regularly, paying out for multiple checks mounts up. There’s an annual subscription to stay a member of the Update scheme, but it’s less than the cost of an additional check. You could easily be quids in.

Reason 2 – Speed

We’ve all been in the situation of waiting for what seems like ever for a DBS check to come back. Although delays are reducing, it’s still not instantaneous. Update gives to access to an online database, so whenever you log in, you’ll see your current DBS information. No more waiting weeks for checks to be completed. It can often mean that you can start work quicker too.

Reason 3 –  Accuracy

With a conventional DBS certificate, it’s out of date as soon as it’s printed. Any offences or information which comes to light after the certificate is printed can’t be added at a later date. Having access to a dynamic database gives you the confidence of knowing the information is always totally up to date.

Reason 4 –  Less Paperwork

There’s no getting away from the fact that applying for DBS checks involves a lot of paperwork. Even if you complete the form digitally, you still have to dig out your passport, driving licence, council tax bills or other proof of identity and address. If you’ve already done all that, it’s just another tick box to subscribe to the update service. For as long as you remain a member, you can forget about the paperwork.

Reason 5 – It’s Transferrable

You can also use access to your DBS account in several different settings, assuming all require the same level. If, for example you need an enhanced disclosure for work as a carer, you can switch into other occupations such as nursing which need the same level of disclosure.

Reason 6 – Traceability

Usually, you’ll retain the original of your disclosure certificate. But if your employer takes a copy, who gets access to that? Can you trust your boss to keep it under lock and key? If you’ve signed up to Update, your information is protected with a username and password. the website traces each time the files are accessed, so you can see who has been looking and when.

Reason 7 – Get the edge on the competition

Being able to have an instant DBS check could give you the edge when applying for a new job. Employers are going to look favourably at candidates who can start immediately and make a real difference. Make sure employers are aware that you’re in the scheme.