Portable DBS Checks

One of the main disadvantages of DBS checks is that they’re often not portable. You can’t have a DBS check done once, keep the certificate and just show it to each employer you start working for. When you think about it, it’s a reasonable policy. The whole point of a DBS certificate is to show what information is held on police records about you. After the certificate is printed, no new information can be added. Employers aren’t willing to take the risk of employing someone without a new DBS check as they want to be aware of all the information, not just some of it. However, this idea of having to apply for a new DBS check for each job causes backlogs in the system.

Update – the answer to the portable DBS checks problem?

In some sectors of the economy, not being able to transfer DBS checks isn’t a problem. Some professions, like vets and solicitors, only need a DBS check when the person first registers with the correct professional body. They won’t need to have another DBS in the future for that job. In other sectors however, people move about much more frequently. Care workers, nurses, sports coaches – all might switch employer every six months or more, and need a new disclosure check each time.

In order to make things easier for these types of workers, the government set up the DBS Update scheme. This system is designed to be live, meaning that once you’re registered with Update, any new information will automatically be added to your file.

Using DBS Update

In order to register for DBS Update, you have to apply for a disclosure check first. When you’re completing the form, you’ll see a box asking you whether you want to enrol in the Update service. Tick yes, and it will be done when your certificate is printed. If you decide within two weeks of receiving your certificate that you wish to enrol, call DBS and they will sort it out for you.

There is an additional fee to pay to be a member of DBS Update, but it’s significantly less than applying for a new DBS check. Once you’ve enrolled you’ll be supplied with a user ID and password which you can use to access the website and see your current DBS information. You can also share this access with an employer or other organisation which has asked you for a police check. They can then immediately look at your records and cut out any delay in sending off for another certificate.

Limitations to DBS Update

There are a few issues to bear in mind with DBS Update. If your initial disclosure is a basic check, that is the information that the Update service will show. If you then apply for a job needing more detailed checks, you’ll still have to apply for a new check in the normal way. Also, you’re only a member as long as you keep paying the annual fee. Miss a payment, and you’ll have to start over.