Updating Personal Details While DBS In Progress

Hopefully the days when it took weeks for a normal DBS check to be processed are long gone. All areas are processing checks quicker than ever before. One of the key aspects of DBS checks is that a certificate is sent to your home address when printed. Recently, the government has changed the procedure for updating personal details while your DBS is being processed. So if you get married, divorced or move house while your application is pending, it should make it easier than ever to get the certificate sent to the correct address, with the right name.

How to go about updating your personal details on a DBS Check

The only way at present of updating your personal details on your DBS check is to give the helpline a call. The DBS application helpline is available during office hours only. This is also the line which you can call if you have any other questions about the application process. The adviser will ask some security questions to confirm your identity, and then clarify what information has changed. Your new details will be noted on your file, and when your certificate is printed it will be sent to the address you’ve given. At present, you can only call the DBS to make changes to your details. Keep an eye on the government website, as in future you might be able to log into the system to make changes more quickly.

Error Correction

The new government guidelines are very clear. This new “updating your personal details” service cannot be used to correct errors. It’s designed for people who have submitted their DBS application then unexpectedly move or change their name. It’s not for applicants who have made mistakes on their form and then need to get those details corrected. If you realise that you’ve made mistakes on your form after sending it off to the DBS then the only way of correcting those mistakes is to withdraw the application and resubmit. Unfortunately, this means you’ll have to pay a second fee for another application. The best advice is therefore to try avoid making mistakes in the first place!

Getting your DBS Application Right

Don’t be scared by the DBS process and think that applying is a very difficult or complex process. It’s not like that at all. The process for applying for a DBS check is straightforward, as long as you read the guidance fully and double check that you have completed all of the requested information. Some things which often catch people out are having to supply a full five years’ address history without any gaps, and listing all of your previous names. We can help you with your application if you struggle with form filling. If you do make a mistake it’s not the end of the world. It will probably just mean that the DBS get back in touch with you to ask for clarification. This could also mean that your application takes a few days longer to process.