Cold Weather, Night Shelters and DBS Checks

During the winter, when temperatures plunge, we’re all more aware of homelessness. Homelessness isn’t just a big city problem. People all over the UK are sleeping on the streets, sofa-surfing or living in insecure, short-term accommodation. It’s natural to want to help, especially in the coldest months of the year. Many hostels and night shelters are run by the big UK charities. However, people who spot a need locally may be tempted to set up their own. There are a number of hurdles to jump over, one of which is getting DBS checks.

Who Needs DBS Checks?

Disclosure and Barring Service checks, usually known as DBS checks, are needed for a wide range of occupations. It’s really important to understand the rules and apply them correctly. Legally, you can’t ask for DBS checks on people who don’t qualify for one. if you’re running a night shelter, some people might need DBS checks and others won’t. There’s the further complication of different levels of checking. For example, someone employed or volunteering to manage fundraising or run the office might need to apply for a basic DBS check. The certificate will show their current criminal record but won’t delve into their distant past. Someone who is being employed to stay overnight, or provide medical or emotional support to people using the service will usually need enhanced DBS checks which are more detailed. On the other hand, a volunteer who works a few hours a week in the kitchen at lunchtimes, or just has a cup of tea and a chat with people in the shelter might not need any checks at all. If you’re unsure, get advice.

Volunteers and DBS Checks

Volunteers have to go through the checking process in the same way as paid members of staff. The good news is that most volunteers don’t pay for their checks, and charities won’t foot the bill either. The process is exactly the same, irrespective of who is applying. Volunteers first complete the application form online. The next step is to prove identity. Usually, charities will have a nominated person whose job it is to look at passports, driving licence or utility bills, and verify that the person matches the photograph. The the police check through their database to see whether there are any records of convictions or cautions.

DBS Update

Many people who volunteer in night shelters also have other commitments elsewhere. Some work full time, or study, or volunteer in other settings too. For these types of people, DBS Update is ideal. Subscribing to DBS Update is more expensive than getting a single certificate. However, it gives access to a dynamic database for as long as you keep paying the subscription. Subscribers can access the database at any time, or give access to employers. Employers can then look at information immediately without having to go through the whole checking process again. It’s far quicker and easier than running repeated checks. DBS Update has huge advantages if you think you’re likely to be applying for two or more DBS Checks at the same level over the course of a year.