Everything you Need to Know About Document Verification for DBS Checks

The first hurdle in getting DBS checks is providing the right documents to prove who you are and where you live. The person applying for the DBS has to provide the right information and the employer has to check them before sending the application off to DBS. Every case and every person is different. Each person will come with their own combination of documents. However, there are some golden rules which apply in every case.

Recent, Original Documents for DBS Checks

The main rule when submitting documents is that everything has to be original and recent. To prove your identity, you’ll need official identity documents such as your passport or driving licence. If your passport has expired, it won’t be accepted. Employers might want to take a copy of your identification to prove they’ve seen it, but still need the originals. To prove your address, you’ll need things like bank statements or utility bills. These should be dated within the last three months. Print outs from online accounts can’t be accepted, so if you receive your bills digitally, request a hard copy. If you’re not sure about the type of documents which you can use for DBS checks, take a look at the extensive guidance on the government website.

Documents must match

You should also make sure that the details on the documents you have submitted match the information you’ve put on your DBS form. This can cause problems for people who have recently married or divorced and whose passport or driving licence is still in their “old” name. Employers should check to make sure that the applicant has listed all previous names on the DBS form. Check the form for spelling mistakes and typo errors too. Little mistakes such as getting a postcode wrong or the name on the form not matching a passport can mean the application is rejected. If you’re in charge of checking documents, check with the applicant before making changes. Don’t assume that you know what they mean without checking first.

Accepting Foreign Documents

Some people applying for DBS checks might submit passports or driving licences issued overseas. Foreign passports and other identity documents can be used for a DBS check, as long as they’re on the approved documents list. If you’re the person responsible for checking documents, the same rules apply about seeing originals only. Utility bills or bank statements issued overseas can’t be used for DBS checking however. The applicant has to show items which prove their UK address.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask For Help

Checking documents and making sure you have the right combination of documents can be complicated. It’s always better to ask for help than to try to guess. If you use a third party service to help process DBS applications, you’ll have access to experts in every aspect of the system. They’re the ideal people to help with queries about identification documents. They’ve also probably come across even the most unusual circumstances before.