Save Time and Effort by Outsourcing DBS Checks

Checks on members of staff working in regulated activity aren’t optional. If you’re employing people as carers, sports coaches or to work with children, they all need to apply for a DBS check. Even when the process runs smoothly, there’s a lot of admin involved. First you need to work out who needs certificates, and get them to fill in the forms. After that, there’s the identity verification and waiting for checks to be done. Quite frankly, it’s one more hassle which the small business owner could do without. So could your organisation save time by outsourcing DBS checks?

What does outsourcing DBS checks actually mean?

Outsourcing just means paying an external company to take the load off your hands. Both small and large businesses outsource various functions all the time. It’s common for small businesses not to have a dedicated HR professional. Instead they have a contract with another company to do payroll, or deal with recruitment. Larger companies might outsource their customer services to a call centre overseas to try to cut costs. When it comes to outsourcing DBS checks, an external company manages the entire process for you. All you’ll have to do is look at the completed certificates and decide whether you want to confirm the job offer or not.


Steps in Getting DBS Checks

If you’re recruiting for positions which need a DBS check, it’s usually best to make this clear on the job advert. Mention it again at interview, and let applicants know you’re using external help. Your third party will then work directly with your employee. The first step is filling in the application form, and this is usually done online. Third party experts will know the common pitfalls and mistakes, and help your applicants avoid them. The next step is checking identity. Again, third parties know what the DBS will accept as valid identity documents. Finally, the company can liaise with the DBS if there are any questions and problems with the application.

Benefits of Outsourcing

There are many different reasons why outsourcing is a sensible move for a wide range of companies.

  • Expertise – perhaps the main benefit is that third party DBS companies deal with nothing else. They know the process inside out and back to front. Irrespective of your applicant’s circumstances, they’ll know what to do. It’s impossible to replicate that level of knowledge in most small businesses.
  • Cost – yes there’s cost associated with outsourcing DBS checks. But balance this against time savings, and what other tasks you could be completing.
  • Time – you might find that your DBS checks come back quicker, because the applications are right first time. Furthermore, you’re not wasting your own time chasing someone for their latest bank statement or passport. Lots of umbrella bodies are moving to a fully digital system, making the process even more streamlined.
  • Staff Time – Small companies won’t have the luxury of a dedicated staff member to manage DBS checks. Giving the responsibility to an external company frees your staff up to concentrate on other activities which are core to your business.