Retail Jobs Boom on the Horizon?

Despite the gloomy news about several major retail chains shutting up shop, it’s not all bad news in the retail jobs sector. Figures show that vacancies were up over 55% in May, and pay is rising too. So if you’re in the market for a new occupation, could retail be the perfect sector for you?

Retail Jobs- where are they?

What the figures do show is that some types of vacancies are being created at a faster rate than others. Most of the jobs are part-time. That’s great news if you’re a student, or looking for part time work to fit around childcare. But if you’re looking forĀ  a full time vacancy to pay your rent and bills, it could mean trying to pick up two or more part time vacancies and juggling hours. Also, there’s a growing trend for employing staff on a zero hours contract. Again, this is an attractive idea for people who are studying and want the flexibility of being able to do a different number of hours each week. But it’s not ideal for those requiring a reliable income stream.

The rising number of vacancies could also be down to Brexit. Retail is one of the sectors where workers from the EU have found employment. Worries about workers’ rights after the UK leaves the European Union may have also prompted a rise in vacancies.

Qualifications and Pre-Employment Checks

One of the advantages of considering a career in retail is that in most cases, you don’t need a great deal of experience to go in at entry level. Any experience you do have in customer service, display or cash handling will put you ahead of the competition. Retailers are looking for staff who can be flexible, and who are happy to work at weekends or into the evening. Personal qualities are more important than academic qualifications. You’ll need to be friendly, and good at working with other people. Honesty is also an essential quality and most employers will ask about a previous criminal record.

If you’re being hired as a manager, or someone with responsibility for opening up the shop, then checks may be more extensive. Businesses might make calls to your previous employers to make sure that you didn’t leave under a cloud, and to get feedback on your reliability. Retail jobs don’t usually require a DBS check. However, employers can ask about your previous criminal record if they wish to do so.

Salary and Benefits

Retail salaries vary enormously. Many entry level jobs, especially part time ones, pay little above minimum wage. If you’re being recruited as a manager or supervisor, you can expect to earn more. One of the main perks of working for a retailer is staff discount. Depending on the company, there may be a minimum service time to qualify for the staff discount. However, after that you can expect a discount of around 10% to 15% if you work in a supermarket or up to 30% for workers in the clothing sector. Just as with all other workers, you’ll be entitled to sick pay, maternity pay and to join the company’s pension scheme too.